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Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈

7125-047Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈


Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈
Our PEEK Rotor Seals are a polymeric disc that ensures a high pressure seal against the stator. Manufactured from biocompatible PEEK it is inert to almost all orga





 Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈

    The standard rotor seal in many Rheodyne® manual valves is made from a Vespel® blend. This polyimide has low wear and high chemical resistance. Vespel tolerates a pH range of 0 to 10. Solutions more basic than pH 10 dissolve Vespel which damages the rotor seal. If you use any solutions above pH 10, Rheodyne recommends a PEEK blend rotor seal.
    PEEK offers a high chemical resistance and versatility, and will tolerate the entire pH range from 0 to 14. ETFE blend rotor seals are appropriate for use in applications where PEEK is not enerally acceptable, such as when methylene chloride or DMSO in higher concentrations is being used.


Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈 

Part No.For Valve Model No.Description
7000-0167000L, 7040LVespel Rotor Seal
7010-0397010, 7000, 7040Vespel Rotor Seal
7030-0037030, 9030Vespel Rotor Seal
7030-0147030LVespel Rotor Seal
7060-0707060, 7066Vespel Rotor Seal
7060-0647060LVespel Rotor Seal
7125-0477125,7725,9725Vespel Rotor Seal
7410-0387410Vespel Rotor Seal
7413-0137413Vespel Rotor Seal
8125-0388125Vespel Rotor Seal
7000-0177000L,7040LETFE Rotor Seal
7010-0717010, 7010-087, 7000, 7040ETFE Rotor Seal
7030-0157030, 9030ETFE Rotor Seal
7060-0747060, 7066, 9060ETFE Rotor Seal
7060-0677060LETFE Rotor Seal
7125-0797125, 7125-081, 7725ETFE Rotor Seal
7410-0757410ETFE Rotor Seal
8125-0978125ETFE Rotor Seal
9010-0519010ETFE Rotor Seal
9125-0829125,9725ETFE Rotor Seal
3030-0053030,3030-038PEEK Rotor Seal
3710-0083000, 3000-038, 3710, 3710-038PEEK Rotor Seal
3725-0183725, 3725-038PEEK Rotor Seal
9010-0657000, 7010, 9010PEEK Rotor Seal
8125-1198125PEEK Rotor Seal
9125-0957125, 7725, 9125, 9725PEEK Rotor Seal

Rheodyne 7725i 手動進樣閥 7125-047 轉(zhuǎn)子密封圈 




上海屹利科學(xué)儀器有限公司www.hsloq5-02.cn 熱門推薦:液相色譜 氣相色譜 色譜柱 分光光度計 電子天平 離心機 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 酸度計 離子計 等實驗室儀器
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